Empower Your Practice with Secure Data Management and Seamless Configuration

Our platform is designed to be secure and accessible. We have partnered with Microsoft to give you the most secure and accessible cloud service in the world. With multiple redundancy and strict security, you can rest assured that your information stays safe. Our system is built with an open application programming interface, allowing you to share information across platforms and work with partners. We provide secure, reliable, and scalable management of your data and compliance with the data protection and privacy laws generally applicable to our business activities.

Learn more about Security and Configuration
Manage Security

Default Configuration for All Customers

Manage environment will be by default equipped with ‘ready to work’ configurations which will allow you to use the system as is.


Manage E-learning

Welcome to Our E-Learning Course on Company and Environment Settings in the Manage Software

We are delighted to present this comprehensive e-learning course aimed at providing an in-depth understanding of the Company and Environment Settings within the Manage software. 

Go to E-learning Course

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All-In-One Practice Management Software for Hearing Clinics

Frequently Asked Questions

Crafted to Optimize Patient Care Across the Hearing Care Journey

Auditdata Manage is designed for the audiology industry and enables hearing care professionals to streamline administrative tasks and standardize patient care. Keep secure records of your patients, implement paperless protocols, ensure consistent data, and use insights gathered from across the hearing care journey to deliver the best care experience.